With the boom of sites like Craigslist, Backpage and Gumtree and the many other online classified websites many small businesses have been using this free advertising method. These sites have a great following and user base and thus also a large number of advertisers. Unfortunately because these portals are free, in the past they only allowed for text based ads so all the ads had a very generic look and often poor performance, as advertisers tried to jam tons of information on their ads.
It is a well known fact that most web surfers will respond better to images or video than any text based medium. The best part about this is that Craigslist and Backpage do not openly advertise that their ad space allows for html code allowing your images to click through to your website.
What can this mean for you as a small business owner? If you are a service provider of a Beauty Salon or you are any other kind of service provider, you can have professional ads, just like you would have in the Yellow Pages, but much less expensive, with potentially a much larger audience.
We want to offer you quality ads for your business made to order. These are simple ads not complex graphical ads that can cost you hundreds. An Ad that clicks through to your website, converting surfers into buyers.
Contact us today for a no obligation free classified image advertisement for your business. Trial it for 7 days FREE and see what it can do for your business.