With the boom of sites like Craigslist, Backpage and Gumtree and the many other online classified websites many small businesses have been using this free advertising method. These sites have a great following and user base and thus also a large number of advertisers. Unfortunately because these portals are free, in the past they only allowed [ Read More ]
Did you know that mobile web usage is growing at a rate eight times faster than the original desktop web? More and more consumers are using smart phone technology as a preferred method for searching the Internet. Typically they are searching for local products and services. Are they finding YOU, or your competitors? In [ Read More ]
Claim your FREE online marketing analysis of your business We feel so strongly that we can help you navigate the super highway that is the Internet that we are willing to share with you our Six Step Online Domination Proposal. It details every step we recommend to help your business dominate your target market online, [ Read More ]
Need more sales? More leads? Forget cold-calling. A lead generating website designed and marketed to your prospective buyers will bring the enquiries to your door. 95% of all traffic is captured by the first page of search results. This provides an enormous opportunity for you to capture the attention of these searchers, bringing them to YOUR business [ Read More ]
Target the right audience everytime. One of the most powerful search tools available to your business today is Google Local Listings. Localised map listings gets you in front of customers in YOUR local area. This means highly qualified leads at your doorstep! Key Benefits Of Google Map Listings: Visibility – The sheer size and placement [ Read More ]
Social media is fast becoming an essential part of any business’ marketing mix. Companies are increasingly using social tools to monitor conversations about their products, competitors, and industry, and engaging with their customers to build strong relationships. According to Forrester Research’s most recent Interactive Marketing Forecast, social media marketing will grow at an annual [ Read More ]
QR Codes A Quick Response (QR) code is a two-dimensional code that can be scanned by smartphone cameras to automatically pull up text, photos, videos, music and URLs. These codes have become mobile-friendly ways to point people in the offline space to online resources. Mobile users, taking a picture of the code or reading it [ Read More ]
People remember only . . . 20% of what they hear, and only 30% of what they see, but an incredible 70% of what they hear and see! It’s no surprise then that video marketing is fast becoming the ‘must have’ marketing tool for small businesses. It’s cheaper than print media and much more effective. [ Read More ]